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Thursday 5 March 2009

I'm all for an easy life

I'm trying to simplify my life and today I ended up getting into a row with my mum about it!! Surprised

Well actually it wasn't really a row; we were doing the shopping and as we loaded it into the car one of the bags broke and as we had a bag with us that was a re-usable bag and mostly empty I just dropped the broken bag and contents into the bag.

To me it was the simplest and most obvious thing to do! To mum, who had left her handbag at home and just brought her purse and keys, that was her handbag and it was inconvenient to her to have me throw some groceries in it! Crying

While I need to continue my efforts to simplify my life I have learned that I need to take a moment to consider the effects of my actions on others around me!! Smile

My mum and I have a good relationship and we got over it quite quickly but the idea of an easy life might work well for me in my mind but not necessarily those around me.

I am not going to change trying to simplify my life because I need to reduce the amount of stress I am under in particular spending time and energy trying to work things out when a simple solution is at hand but I am going to just take a moment lo nger to consider the effects of my actions on those around me!

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