Follow the goings on in my little world with my little doggy and our exciting new adventure of moving back to Cornwall in August and all the ideas that are coming thick and fast!

Check out Teri's Handmade Home for news about the things I am making for my next home which is still a little way off and Dulcie Days for Dulcie's take on the move and her other antics :-)

Saturday 1 January 2011

New Year Resolutions!

Happy New Year to all my readers and followers! I hope 2011 is kind to you and you have much happiness!

Now I don't normally do resolutions! What's the point you only fail at them?! So maybe these are just my New year aims!

Skinny me ;-)
I am going to not eat in the evening unless I am hungry! In a bid to lose some weight as I have stayed the same all year! In order to do this I am going to have to keep my hands busy so lots of crocheting while watching tv! Look out for the finished projects!

I am going to go and see the council to increase my options for getting a council house by offering to consider any property in the area! And go to YMCA to see if they can help me get a house.

I am going to contact more fostering agencies to probably get even more letters saying they won't consider me if I don't have a bedroom for the child to sleep in! (re: getting the council to consider me for a 2 bed property)

I am going to try and get out with Dulcie every other day for a walk.

I am going to do my back exercises every day!

I am going to go through every box and really be strict getting rid of anything I don't absolutely love and giving it to charity or selling it to go towards new house expenses! (and try to help my family do the same  in the name of decluttering)

I am going to work even harder to get people popping by and shopping in my online shops, making lots of new things and telling everyone about it!

I am going to try and phone one friend a week! Friends are very important and I don't want to lose them :-)

So what about you? do you do resolutions? if so what are yours this year?

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