Follow the goings on in my little world with my little doggy and our exciting new adventure of moving back to Cornwall in August and all the ideas that are coming thick and fast!

Check out Teri's Handmade Home for news about the things I am making for my next home which is still a little way off and Dulcie Days for Dulcie's take on the move and her other antics :-)

Friday, 13 August 2010

The Taste Of Memories

When I was a little girl we didn't have a car so our trips out were always by train. I do love train journeys. 

Ok so they weren't Steam Trains! I'm not that old!

 But you can sit and look out of the window for all kind of beautiful, wonderful things and imagine what places are like from the sound of their name. 

 I used to play race when the train ran alongside the road and of course we always won which was fun! We used to play cards games, I spy and all those other kind of games you used to play when we didn't have computer consoles and Ipods!

At the station we always used to pick up a packet of Murray Mints! You know the little packets? And every time I eat a Murray Mint I am transported back to those days out travelling by train!
Well tomorrow I am off on another journey. not by train this time but by car and for the first time ever I am taking my Murray Mints in the car with me and making new memories which eating Murray mints will remind me of...or will they always just remind me of those days gone by when I travelled by train to a miriad of adventures with my family?

What do you think?

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