Follow the goings on in my little world with my little doggy and our exciting new adventure of moving back to Cornwall in August and all the ideas that are coming thick and fast!

Check out Teri's Handmade Home for news about the things I am making for my next home which is still a little way off and Dulcie Days for Dulcie's take on the move and her other antics :-)

Friday, 12 December 2008

Singles diary day 2

Hi Again,
Well I would say that this is a good start, making it to day 2, but my computer is running about 3 seconds behind me so I have to keep waiting for it to catch up so I can read what I have written. I Have closed down a couple of programs that were running to see if that has helped and now it s only 1 second behind me! lol! This is going to be fun! Smile
So how has your day been? I had to go and see the doctor today about my cough and she has put me on a medication that will probably make me sleep lots and I am not sure if that is a good thing or not! Then my mum and I did a little Christmas Shopping for some presents for My nephew and nieces and some for friends. Still have loads to get but need to get well first!
I spoke my doctor about referring me for counselling over an unresolved issue from my childhood that may be affecting my relationship with men. Anyone else out here identify with this issue? I'm sharing this because I think there are a lot of people out there who are , Like me, struggling but don't know how to talk about it or don't have anyone to talk to.
I know, we are Christians, we have God but God never works like we want him to or think he should and that causes us to struggle in our faith alongside the issue of being single.
Are we supposed to rely on God to guide our steps and lead us to our perfect mate? Or are we supposed to try out every guy/girl we meet because God 'helps those who help themselves' ? (it doesn't say that anywhere in the bible by the way folks!) Or is there some road in the middle that we need to walk on and how do we know it is the right path or if we have met the right person for us?And is it possible that we have met them but freewill (theirs or ours) got in the way?
If you are asking yourself any or all of these questions then come and join me in debating them and at the same time building friendships that are safe and supportive.
I don't have all the answers to these questions any more than you do but I hope that we can help each other find a way through this difficult, painful waiting time!
I ve spent the last 15 years praying for the right man for me. I have gone to church ,been involved in church activities, travelled to different places and attended different churches, moved 400 miles (I did feel it was the move God wanted me to make), joined an online Christian dating agency and still I'm single! Why?
That is why I am considering counselling Because I don't want my past to be interfering with my future.
On this day, I urge you to look at your life. If the perfect person was in front of you now. How would you feel? Are you ready or would you wish to change things about you? Be thinner, more confident, tidier, more careful about what you said and how you said it? A lot of these are my personal goals and the one I am working on now is trying to swear less (or at least use innocuous words like "drat", "sausages" and "flipping Nora" is my latestSmile not cool but I'm not ashamed of them either)
Romans 12 v 2 says " Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" popularised by the saying "Go against the flow"! That is what I intend to do. Not caring about what the world thinks but about what God thinks and what my future husband would think and about being myself and being true to myself!
Are you with me?
Let me know!
I pray that God will give us the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change
Courage to change the things we can and the Wisdom to know the difference.
God Bless,
Teri xx

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Being a Christian Single in Today's World

Hi There,

Well this is a new line of Blogging for me.

I am a Christian Single who believes that we should live by the bibles teaching which means no sex outside marriage and God's will in our lives which brings me to my problem. Being 34 single, childless and currently, due to health problems problems, jobless.

I don't know about you but that all sounds rather depressing. And do you know what? It is!!!

So I have determined to write this blog on my feelings and how I am coping with them in the hope that maybe others out there might find it helpful especially in knowing that if you feel like this you are not alone!!!

Come and visit this Blog and tell me how you are doing and maybe by joining together in our united singleness we might be able to find more of God's will in our lives and even more importantly support for each other.

I am going to try and write daily but forgive me if I don't keep it up! I've never been good at daily journaling!

So after that intro, here's todays offering....

well I am suffering with a nasty cold and cough and that is making me feel rather poorly and with that comes a lot of time thinking and getting down about life and where it is going!!! Last night I told God I didn't want to go to any more weddings until I have been to my own!!! then I remembered my friend is getting married next year! Maybe I could get married before her but I have to say that seems very unlikely!!!

I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding as well this evening which I'm sure you would agree is a bit silly but I didn't cry too much! lol!

I am now watching a worship dvd while I type this in the hope that it will minister to and relax me before going to sleep.

I'm going to sign off for now so that I can post this and see if I can get some sleep.

God bless you, friends