Follow the goings on in my little world with my little doggy and our exciting new adventure of moving back to Cornwall in August and all the ideas that are coming thick and fast!

Check out Teri's Handmade Home for news about the things I am making for my next home which is still a little way off and Dulcie Days for Dulcie's take on the move and her other antics :-)

Tuesday 31 March 2009

28 Days of Detox Starts Here!

Well I have just had my first meal on my new detox diet!!! I have to say that porridge without any sugar is most unappetising! It had seeds added but I wouldn't really try to eat it 'til I had added some sultanas. I then managed to eat most of it but it was a struggle. I hope it gets easier.

I like nuts and fruit and most vegetables and for the last month have had practically no meat. The hardest part of the detox is, therefore, dropping milk and sugar and (sob sob) chocolate!! All this in the hope that I will start to feel more awake and have more energy with the possible side effect of losing some weight and, boy, do I need to do that!!

At least I'm not alone. My family are on this detox too. Hopefully we will all see positive effects within the first couple of weeks. I had better go and get a glass of water now as I have to drink 8 glasses today!

Well I will keep you posted on the joys of Detox over the next 28 days.

For the rest of you out there enjoy your day and your coffee, chocolate and wine!!!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

What a Day

What a day we have had! Do you believe in things happening in threes? I don't and based on today I have good reason. In our house it's a case of why stop at three?!

This morning the first main thing to happen was that my mum tripped up the steps in the garden and she grazed her shin right next to scarring from an injury from two years ago which left the skin on that leg very vulnerable. I put some antiseptic cream and a dressing on for her and then we went shopping.

When we got back we unpacked the shopping. My mum dropped a glass salt mill on the floor which we cleared up. A while later I walked into the kitchen and stepped hard on a bit of glass we missed in bare feet! It bled a bit and hurt a lot!

Then I was looking for my glasses and grazed my arm on the table beside my chair!
at Tea time my mum nearly went flying when she tripped over Dad's feet (Big feet, small lounge!) and then later I nearly fell down the stairs moving the clothes horse across the landing! All this in addition to the usual amount of people dropping things!

There is one thing that is certain, there really is never a dull moment in this house!!!

Friday 6 March 2009

He's Already Here!

It's nearly 2am and I should be going to sleep but as I was winding down and listening to music I heard a lovely song that sounded like it should be from God to us.

I'm feeling down tonight but this song has really spoken to me. It's called 'I'm Already There'.

It's all about relationships but it starts off with a child asking his daddy when He was coming home and he replied "I'm already there"

A little voice came on the phone
Said daddy when you coming home
He said the first thing that came to his mind

I'm already there
Take a look around
I'm the sunshine in your hair
I'm the shadow on the ground
I'm the whisper in the wind
I'm your imaginary friend
I know I'm in your prayers
Oh I'm already there

I'm already there
Don't make a sound
I'm the beat in your heart
I'm the moonlight shining down
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I'll be there until the end
Can you feel the love that we share
Oh I'm already there

We may be a thousand miles apart
But I'll be with you wherever you are

I'm already there
Take a look around
I'm the sunshine in your hair
I'm the shadow on the ground
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I'll be there until the end

Can you feel the love that we share
Oh I'm already there

It's so lovely I almost have tears in my eyes! This is what I'm taking to bed with me tonight. God is here with me even before I ask him to! He always will be, through rain or shine, through laughter and pain, through my times of deep despair and unhappiness, He is there and he will love me until the end of time!! The whisper in the Wind. I pray that you will know His Love and Peace with you today too.

God Bless You

Thursday 5 March 2009

I'm all for an easy life

I'm trying to simplify my life and today I ended up getting into a row with my mum about it!! Surprised

Well actually it wasn't really a row; we were doing the shopping and as we loaded it into the car one of the bags broke and as we had a bag with us that was a re-usable bag and mostly empty I just dropped the broken bag and contents into the bag.

To me it was the simplest and most obvious thing to do! To mum, who had left her handbag at home and just brought her purse and keys, that was her handbag and it was inconvenient to her to have me throw some groceries in it! Crying

While I need to continue my efforts to simplify my life I have learned that I need to take a moment to consider the effects of my actions on others around me!! Smile

My mum and I have a good relationship and we got over it quite quickly but the idea of an easy life might work well for me in my mind but not necessarily those around me.

I am not going to change trying to simplify my life because I need to reduce the amount of stress I am under in particular spending time and energy trying to work things out when a simple solution is at hand but I am going to just take a moment lo nger to consider the effects of my actions on those around me!